Thursday, July 16, 2009

Home improvement bug

This week I been have working on the house on my head, but since I'm working all day and I don't get home until it's dark there's nothing else I can do. yesterday I manage to line up a painter to help me paint , and I decided I will do my own kitchen backslash. I wanted to tell my partner but he never believe I can do anything house related so I will wait until the day the painter will be busy doing his thing and I will be busy putting up backslash.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Making our house into a home

We have our house for 2 years 8 months ago and it's still look like it's up for sale. For some reasons that I can 't come to term with I am having problem decorating and making the house into a comfortable place for my family. in so many instance in the last two years I thought about doing something (ie. cookout, get together, etc.) but I will have to pass because I have no where for people to sit. I can't just imagine how every summer I can ran into a nursery and but plants and flowers to come and plant in the garden bed outside, damn we even get a lawn care treatment going on but I can't bring myself to that to our home.

Well as of yesterday I promise myself that I will take time each month and do a room in the house so that it can be comfortable for my family and I. I wanted to make the house so comfortable that when I came home from work on Friday I wouldn't even think of going anywhere. So follow me tou our house of love turns home.